I don't have solid statistics on that. Usually most graduates get jobs within three months of graduation, sometimes even before they graduate. There are times when lots of employers are hiring and graduates will get as many as 3 or 4 job offers and other times, like the end of the year when things are dead. At the end of the year employers' hiring budgets have run out for the year and besides, who wants to start a new employee right before the holidays, right? Then again, sometimes they do. I have been surprised and even shocked at the number of jobs people have managed to get in November and December even when it appeared that nobody was hiring. Because I am a very dramatic person, every year I think, "It's all over. Nobody will EVER hire any of our graduates again." Then...they do. Big time. Lots of jobs. {sigh} but I will go through it all again next year, because that's what I do. In other words, while our graduates are suffering through the "Will anyone ever hire me" part of the job search, I go through it with all of you---every time. By the way, I've been going through this EVERY YEAR since 1989, so you would think I would have more confidence that the jobs will be there. Be patient. It always happens. But, I don't.
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cpc-a vs cpc
Re: cpc-a vs cpc
by Linda Andrews -