A few months ago I had mentioned a list of acronyms but couldn't find the source. I finally found it. Page 10 of Official CPC Certification Study Guide.
The way I "remember" these, in the ICD-10 index I wrote them into the alphabetical area, i.e. for ABN I wrote it next to Abdomen. For RVU I wrote it under Ruptured.
In retrospect, if I had it to do over I would copy the list on page 33 coding guidelines because there is a big enough space for that. Although looking up in the index is fast, I think if they were all in one place it would be a few seconds faster.
Well, you'll do it however suits you, but there is the list for you, and for sure you will get two or three of those acronyms on the CPC exam.
Donna G
Actually, the most common abbreviation for abdomen is ABD. ABN could also be Advanced Beneficiary Notice (Medicare). Just be careful on the use of them, one abbreviation can stand for different things in the medical field.
You are absolutely correct about this. I guess we have to differentiate between "acronym" and "abbreviation" by the text context. The ABN that you picked out must be a very important one to know because it has been on every one of the multiple practice exams.
Donna G