Really struggling through external causes... its just not clicking for me. Help??
Hi Carlie,
I'm struggling through section 18 as well. I felt that I needed more practice with the Injury and Poisoning section because I'm grasping it, but not feeling super comfy with taking an exam on it. I just started External causes...kind of curious as to where you are having trouble....I was just trying to figure out if in traffic vs no traffic and if not stated then it's in traffic on one question...reading the preface and all info trying to "feel" my way through. I'm going to see what Instructor Melissa says in response to your question, but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone :) Hang in there..
Yeah it's the injury and poisoning section for sure... It will take me like 20 minutes to find a code and when I check back its wrong! Had me in tears last night... not sure what to do.
Did you email instructor Melissa? That's going to be your best bet! She can help you until you get where the codes are coming from. I found that I was forgetting to add the spacers for a lot of the codes. It's a slow process. I got maybe one right, the rest of them I was close. What I started doing is looking at the correct answer and figuring out how to get to that....kinda working backwards to get where I was going wrong. I was also up late, and I've found that I'm not always the brightest cookie when it's late at night. So, maybe looking at this morning with fresh eyes will help? Unfortunately, I had a Dr apt and then I'm off to work, so I haven't had time to look at it again and see if there was something that I was missing (which is often the case :)). Thank you for posting, helps me knowing that there is someone else having the same issues as myself and in the same section I am currently working on. Don't forget to email Instructor Melissa if you haven't already! Oh....and remember to breathe, we are going to get it!!!
Hi Carlie,
I replied back to your email today. Let me know if you need anymore help!
Hi Nancy,
External Causes can be tricky at first. If you need any help, be sure to email me your specific questions and we can work through them together!
Tonight went so much better! Still a bit shaky, but a got quite a few right and I feel more sure of myself!
Tonight went so much better! I got up early to work on some codes too, and that really helped! You're right, mornings are definitely a better time to do coding. Still feel a bit shaky, but I don't feel so frustrated and hopeless anymore. Thanks for the encouragement!
Awesome!!! I'm glad that you are doing better and getting your confidence back!!! We'll just keep trucking along!! Glad that I could help!! We all need encouragement at one time or another! Keep in touch!!
Instructor Melissa,
Thank you! I will email you if I continue to have problems. I'm going to try again when I'm fresh in the morning and see how I do. Sometimes that's all I need to do....fresh eyes! This section certainly is challenging!
Have you learned the "CAPS" for external causes? C= Cause Code, A=Activity, P=Place of occurrence & S= Status (external cause, such as military, civilian activity done for pay, etc...). That has made it a lot easier for me to try to get all of the codes in. Good luck :)