Do we need 2017 HCPCS, CPT and ICD 10 books for the CPC exam or only CPT and ICD 10? Also, how can we order them?
You can order the books from AAPC. I would imagine that you would need all 2017 books.
From the AAPC website:
Since the code sets for each coding book are updated every year, it’s essential for coders to have the current year’s books/manuals to ensure accurate performance. Reporting wrong codes can lead to denied claim submissions and substantial penalization. It’s clearly very important to get an education on the annual code set updates and to obtain new code books every year.
All AAPC exams are based on the current calendar year’s code sets, so we strongly suggest you use the current year’s books. The previous calendar year’s books may be used on an exam, but you would be at obvious disadvantage doing so. The upcoming year’s books are not allowed for exam use. The exams are updated every January for the new code sets. Examinees using their second attempt in the next calendar year will not be permitted to take the previous year's exam.
As far a Andrew's course work goes can we still use the 2016 books that were sent to me when I started this course last june.