Reverse Coding
by Virginia Em - Where do I find the reverse coding technique? Besides the Chapter 5 printout?
Re: Reverse Coding
by Glenda Hickman - You should find it in the Coding Certifications area, which you get access to after submitting your AAPC Credential Review assignment in Section 7 of Module III. Let me know by email if that's not what you're looking for, so I can do a little more research for you!
Re: Reverse Coding
by Virginia Em - Okay, will look. Thanks Glenda!
Re: Reverse Coding
by Denise Ch, CPC-A - Hi Glenda! I emailed Emily the other day about that on the certification area. It is from 2014 and in ICD-9. While the concept is still the same, it sure would be awesome if it could be ICD-10! Would this be a possibility? Thank you!
Re: Reverse Coding
by Glenda Hickman - That's in the works, Denise, but we haven't had the opportunity to update it yet.
Re: Reverse Coding
by Denise Ch, CPC-A - Thank you Glenda and Emily!