Ooof, I'm coming to the end of Module 3 AND preparing for my CPC in a couple of weeks, and I just feel very discouraged right now. I'm reviewing and revising and doing practice tests, but it's all starting to become just a jumble of numbers. I'm forgetting even basic inforation that I really should know. And my biggest problem is that I'm so SLOW! I know the exam requires speediness to pass, but when I try to work fast I make really stupid mistakes...I really don't want to fail the exam and I want to give it my best, I just feel that maybe I've bitten off more than I can chew.
I am NOT giving up, though, as I've come too far, and I can "see" the light of coding knowledge down the tunnel...oh wait, no, that's an oncoming train LOL...
Just wanted to vent and see if anyone else is feeling the need for a pep talk.
Carmel, have you emailed your instructor about the certification exam yet? She has a tip sheet she can send you, and if you have specific concerns, maybe over the things you are having the most trouble with on your practice tests and revision work, she can walk you through those areas.
Hi Carmel,
I am going through the exact same thing. I did horrible on one of the tests in module III and wanted to slap myself upside the head cause "I knew that!!!! and that and that!!. So many stupid errors. But then there was also so much I did not know and I have already registered for the exam and paid for it and so I have to gulp and carry on. I canceled all my extracuriculars for now and all I do is study. I have no life....but I love it. What is wrong with me? I am very nervous about the test but at the same time I love tests. I dont know if anybody feels ready for exams like that. It does help me a lot to read posts from others who have failed and then taken it again and passed. I will not die if I fail. I will pick myself up and try again. So all I can do right now is study....everything! I take my exam in May. I am still not comfortable with any of this but I am not at the end of module III and so hope to be a little more comfortable by the time I am at the end of it. The tips Debby gives are good. I love the aromatherapy one. My favorite aromatherapy is Bergamot. What's yours? I will have to practice to see how much bergamot to put on the cotton ball so as not to offend anybody. But it does calm me. Also we can practice in the CCW. That is good news. I just have to finish module III first.
Hi Carmel,
I am going through the exact same thing. I did horrible on one of the tests in module III and wanted to slap myself upside the head cause "I knew that!!!! and that and that!!. So many stupid errors. But then there was also so much I did not know and I have already registered for the exam and paid for it and so I have to gulp and carry on. I canceled all my extracuriculars for now and all I do is study. I have no life....but I love it. What is wrong with me? I am very nervous about the test but at the same time I love tests. I dont know if anybody feels ready for exams like that. It does help me a lot to read posts from others who have failed and then taken it again and passed. I will not die if I fail. I will pick myself up and try again. So all I can do right now is study....everything! I take my exam in May. I am still not comfortable with any of this but I am not at the end of module III and so hope to be a little more comfortable by the time I am at the end of it. The tips Debby gives are good. I love the aromatherapy one. My favorite aromatherapy is Bergamot. What's yours? I will have to practice to see how much bergamot to put on the cotton ball so as not to offend anybody. But it does calm me. Also we can practice in the CCW. That is good news. I just have to finish module III first.
I think we all get nervous while preparing for a big exam. :)
Keep in mind that there will be short questions mixed in with the longer ones. Try working on your speed in smaller sections. Using the practice tests or the supplemental work mark off 15 questions and then set a timer for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off check your answers. Be sure to try this when you are well rested - treat it just like you were at the exam.
Remember that on test day any questions that can't be easily answered can be skipped over. Just be sure to go back and finish them before the time runs out.
Hang in there - you'll make it. I didn't think I was ready for it either. Deep breaths and relax... I made it and you will too!
Thanks so much, all of you!! I did get Debby's very helpful tips. I've been structuring my study/revision, having no life just like you Lana (lol), taking a good long walk every day to clear my head, and going over all the chapters where I had particular trouble. I am feeling much better!
Lana, I am a fan of aromatherapy. Bergamot is lovely, but my favorite scents are probably rose and lavender, or maybe basil, or lemongrass, or see where this is going, lol...I love herbs so much that I grow herbs in my garden that I don't even use! (The only scent that really turns me off is anything mint, just can't stand the taste or smell of it.)
I don't mind test-taking, I don't have test anxiety per se, and even as tough as it gets, I LOVE studying/learning. I love being in school, especially at Andrews, and know I will miss it even though sometimes it is VERY FAR from fun!.
Thank you all so much!
Carmel, one of the beauties of this school is, you never ever have (get) <grin> to leave. We need our graduates to come back to inspire, encourage, and inform about the big, scary, world of coding out there.