I'm a new coding student. Does anyone else do the exercises in the book? If so where do you get the answers? Should I buy the edition with the answers?
If you’re referring to the Coding Handbook, I believe you do not have to do the exercises. (I’m also new). From my understanding, those exercises will be done when you get to Module 4 and have a better understanding of Inpatient Coding.
Great thank you.
Hi Sherry,
If you are in Module I, please see the pinned announcements. Below is a quote from Glenda:
"The exercises within the Coding Handbook are assigned in Module IV, so students should not be attempting them during Module I. The answer key will be provided in Module IV alongside the assignments.
In Module I, we focus on just the diagnostic codes, while the Coding Handbook covers both diagnostic and ICD-10-PCS procedural codes. For this module, students should only be doing the exercises provided within the syllabus online since they are better geared toward your current difficulty level and the materials covered at this time.
Don't worry, you'll go back over this material again where you have the knowledge and background to be able to assign multiple codes as needed for the Coding Handbook exercises!"