Rhin/o vs. nas/o combining forms
by Anita Sa - When some combining forms have the same meaning, how do you know which one to choose and does it really make a difference if you were to say nasopharyngitis instead of rhinopharyngitis, for example?
Re: Rhin/o vs. nas/o combining forms
by Instructor Deb - Medical coders study medical terminology so that they can understand the medical records that they read. It's the physician who "chooses" which term to use. The physician may document either "nasopharyngitis" or "rhinopharyngitis" to describe the same condition, and a coder should be able to recognize either term.
If there is a specific Shiland exercise or test question that you would like a more detailed explanation for, please feel free to email me (through Glenda at andi@andrewsschool.com).
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!