On a related experience, I attended a week long instructor training course. I'll admit it was quite intense and probably one of the best courses I took, and that includes my college courses. One procedure we did involved video taping each student making his or her presentation while four classmates rated various actions made by the presentor. One classmate counted the "empty word count". Any "umm", "you know", "so" or other infraction. We all knew this was coming but when it was your turn to put on that professional presentation, some of the students could not bridle those words back. One had so many, the counter gave up. It takes HARD work to kill that habit, but it can be done. And no, I was neither the counter nor the presentor that time!
General Discussions
"So", this trend is totally driving me crazy!!!
Re: "So", this trend is totally driving me crazy!!!
by Richard Wa PE, CPC-A -