I'm not posting this because anyone has done it. I'm being proactive. We get so comfortable here posting and mentioning company names, etc., that I want to make sure we don't forget and get "too" comfortable on social media.
1. We want to keep those great employers for Andrews graduates. :) hee hee.
2. Employers don't want to get thousands of resumes from unprepared graduates. People on social media assume that if a name is there, they can apply for those jobs. That takes away precious time for the recruiters that they could use HIRING ANDREWS GRADS! Again (hee hee)
I LOVE it that our graduates get jobs RIGHT OUT OF SCHOOL because they (1) made good training decisions and (2) know how to code. That puts you way ahead of the crowd. I want to keep it that way.
Apparently I'm into numbering things today. (1) that's the way my brain works; (2) now I'm getting worried.
Excellent reminder, Linda!
Slowly back away from the numbers. Engineers could try to acquire you in their types of work!
Not if they knew about my pathetic math skills, Richard. :)