I passed my CCS exam today! Thanks again to Linda, Glenda and instructor Debby. Thank you thank you thank you!
Last year I passed my CPC. What other school prepares you for both? I know that people state that Andrew's School is not accredited by AHIMA. But I have not heard of another school that gives the student everything in the pot. By the time you are done with Andrews you will have your foot in AAPC and you will have your foot in AHIMA....you will be a CPC and you will be a CCS. No matter where in coding you end up you are prepared. You have the whole shabang. I would never have thought to join AAPC but the meetings I go to are great.
I am tickled to death to pass my CCS. I took some advice from another poster on this site.....know how to sequence your codes and know what is to be the principal diagnosis and keep on going. I am finally done with studying for the exams but I am not done with studying.....being a coder I will do that for the rest of my career. They never stop. There is always something to learn. So might as well embrace that part.
I just wanted to tell everyone good luck in their studies, and good luck on their exams. I am so very thankful I picked Andrew's School. Today is a good day! I PASSED - HURRAY!
Congratulations, Lana!!!!!!!
I knew you could do it!
Way to go, Lana! That is awesome news. :)
Let me know if you want any help changing your user name on here to show off your credentials - that goes for all our students and graduates that have some to add behind their names!
Hurray is right, Lana. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Lana!
I have to say that I almost got tears in my eyes reading your very kind comments. I'd better get over to our Facebook page and congratulate you over there so people will again be reminded about how great Andrews graduates are!