Michelle has passed the CPC exam and is now working in Module 4, the CCS Prep part of the course. She just got a new job today - even before she graduates! Congratulations, Michelle. Well done.
Ah yes, we also will add that Michelle wanted to throw me out the window a few times during the last few weeks, but she didn't. :)
Congratulations Michelle!! Keep us posted!
Congratulations on your new job, Michelle!
It will be difficult but stay focused on obtaining your CCS credential.
Thank you Linda, Sara and Debby!
I'm thrilled I've been able to get a job so quickly! And no, Module IV has not been kind to me, LOL. Now that I have a coding job, I feel less stressed, so I'm hoping all those things I forgot or weren't clicking will now. However, I still have no plans for weekend getaways until I pass that CCS! ;)
Congratulations on your new job Michelle - way to go!
Thank you Marcie!
Congratulations! Is your job at home or in house?
Congratulations!! That is terrific!
Thank you Turquoise and Regina! My job is in-house.
Congrats!! All the best as you start this new adventure - and good luck on the CCS!
All the best to you, Michelle! How exciting!