Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Linda Andrews - Congratulations are in order to our student, Aparna for passing her CPC exam. Well done!
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Instructor Marie - Congratulations, Aparna!!!
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Aparna Ba, CCS, CPC-A - Thank you! :-)
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Instructor Debby - Congratulations, Aparna!
Onward to the CCS exam! :)
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Aparna Ba, CCS, CPC-A - Thank you, Debby! Yes, that's the plan. :-)
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Laurie Gr - All the best to you, Aparna, especially as you get ready for the CCS!
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Karen Ca, CPC, CCS, CRC - Congratulations :)
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Aparna Ba, CCS, CPC-A - Thanks Laurie and Karen! :-)
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Regina H, CPC-A, CCS, CRC - Congratulations!
Re: Congratulations Aparna for passing the CPC Exam!
by Aparna Ba, CCS, CPC-A - Thank you, Regina!