Like everyone else has said, read everything carefully. Pay attention to each word. I'm a very fast reader so I have to really make myself slow down to take it all in. If I don't, I tend to miss important clues.
I also keep a notebook and pencil to write down what I think are the important words in an exercise, then tick them off as I read possible answers. It keeps me from missing vital information.
When in doubt, ask questions! Don't wait till the last minute to shoot off an email to the instructors. This course would be much more daunting without all the help from Sue and Debby. You are the awesomesauce, ladies.
I'm heading down the backstretch of Mod III and I've loved the experience of this course. This week I'll be getting my association memberships and scheduling of certification exams in line. What amazes me, is that I look forward to putting in my study time every morning - other than my painting, I can't think of much else in that category.
Good luck!
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Re: New Medical Coding Student Learning Lessons!
by Terry Ma -