I have tried from the beginning, quite unsuccessfully, to teach myself to look at the number of digits the code is required to have in the coding book. Sometimes I do it, and sometimes I don't, it needs to become habit!!!! For you who are just beginning, make it habit early. I got caught up in the fact that I was looking at 4 characters right there, and it says I need 4 characters, so I got lazy and stopped checking. Today, as I was working on the last exam for Module 1, I caught 2 errors where I had not checked the required number of characters and I didn't have enough. As you go further along, the required number of characters are not necessarily right where you are seeing your code. you may require a character that you have to flip back a few pages to find. Today I decided from here forward, I will make myself write the required number of characters next to the number of the question, either on the exam or the assignment. When I go back to look them over, I will know I have checked that because it is already written next to the question. Just a suggestion that might save you some headache later.
Thank you, Judy! Advice is always appreciated. That's a great tip. I found at the beginning I wasn't looking "deep" enough for a couple of codes and it cost me points on an exam. I think we're all learning quickly that details are soooo very important in this field. I'll be sure to make a note of your tip.