We encourage questions. Many of you don't ask enough questions.
Surprisingly, there may come a time in your studies when your instructor says this to you:
"At this point in your studies you need to start trusting your own judgment."
This is a statement that Andrews School instructors have used for years when a student is ready to 'leave the nest' at least occasionally but doesn't think so. The student may lean on the instructor too much instead of making decisions based on all that they've learned.
There will always be questions, but the nature of them will change.
- Know what you know.
- Know what you don't know.
- Know when you need to query for more information.
You have the skills you need to do the job. You either know the answers to most of the questions you will have or you know where to find them.
Another way to put it might be, "You've got this! No go forth and do it."
I will do my best to ask more questions.
I have asked some questions but I feel like I must be the ONLY student EVER who did not understand how to come up with the right answer on their own...
I will do my best to ask more questions. I know I second guess my self a lot sometimes.