I had a brilliant idea last night when I was asleep, but now I can't remember what it was.
Has anyone else ever done that? I need to keep a notepad and pen by my bed in case the idea comes back. I know the first thing I was supposed to do was Google something and find out about whatever it was before ARRRRGH!
Oh well, at least I slept well. :)
I do that all the time!! If I could remember half of them who knows where I'd be! lol
Ah... be careful...We have a very good family friend who tells the story of having a dream in which he received the solution to all the world's problems. "I got it. I got it! I got it !!!" He did have a note pad by the bedside and guess what he wrote...
"I got it!"
He was very disappointed that he did not write down the solution to all the world's problems.
I have dreams like that from time to time, but I never actually "wake" up enough to even reach for a pen and paper. :/ Hiopefully it will come back to you. :)