If there is still a question in anyone's mind about tabbing or notations in your code books: FOR CPC . I am copying this from AAPC Official CPC Certification Study Giode, page 325. "We recommend going through your books to mark them, tab and label them, and make notes in them . . . Anything with which you feel you might need some extra help is something we would suggest tabbing or marking. For the exam you can write helpful notes in your books and tab them for easy reference, but you may not glue, tape, staple, or add anything to your books. You may also wish to highlight certain guidelines in your code books."
DO NOTE, THIS IS FOR CPC, (not for the other exams).
Donna G
Thanks, Donna. Let's compare those with the requirements for the CCS exam. It's also a great idea to re-check these rules before you go, because they can, and do, change.
Updated Nov. 30, 2015
CCS Exam Allowable Code Books
All candidates are required to bring the following code books to the test center:
1. ICD‐10‐CM code book
2. ICD‐10‐PCS code book
3. CPT code book (AMA only)
These materials may be spiral bound, softbound, compact softbound, in hard cover form or in a ring binder.
Candidates who do not bring the correct codebooks to the test center will not be allowed to test and forfeit their
exam fees. The allowable codebooks are listed below and include the ICD‐10‐CM/PCS and AMA CPT.
In the CANIDATE'S GUIDE there is a little more information:
Test Center Restrictions
To ensure examination results for all candidates are earned under
comparable conditions, it is necessary to maintain a standardized
testing environment. Candidates must adhere to the following:
• For CCA, CCS, and CCS-P exams, candidates are required
to bring codebooks as indicated on the list of allowable
code books. (The list of allowable code for the CCA,
CCS, and CCS-P are located on the AHIMA website).
• No reference or study materials may be brought into the
examination room.
• Code books with handmade tabs will not be allowed. Post-
It Notes and/or any loose materials are also not allowed.
Code books are for use on CCA, CCS, CCS-P exams only.
• Documents or notes of any kind may not be removed
from the examination room. All computer screens,
paper, and written materials are the copyrighted
property of Pearson VUE and may not be reproduced
in any form.
• Candidates will not be allowed to take anything into the
examination room other than those items given to them
by the administrator and their identification documents.
• Prohibited items will not be allowed in the examination
room. Prohibited items include, but are not limited
to, the following: calculators, pagers, cell phones,
electronic digital devices (PDAs, watches, and the
like), recording or photographic devices, weapons,
briefcases, computers or computer bags, and handbags
or purses. Candidates cannot bring in drinks or
snacks of any kind.
• Eating, drinking,
Now let's just hope that all of the test proctors are familiar with the rules. <Big Grin>