I'm sure a dozen of our students and graduates will think I'm referring to them. There are way too many of you who don't sign your whole name when you send messages to me. I have to try to figure it out by your e-mail address, which often has a completely totally different name and isn't helpful at all. Example: You get an e-mail message signed LA. You look for 'clues' at the -mail address and see that it's LWright@whatever so you are stumped. The e-mail can't be identified unless you have a database, as I do, and can spend some time searching for the person who uses that e-mail address but has a completely unrelated (current) name. I shouldn't really have to do that though, as I've reminded several of you on numerous occasions to no avail. (Just a little stronger reminder for those of you who have had more than half a dozen reminders which you are still ignoring)
NOW, see yourself as an EMPLOYER. You've received an excellent resume from someone named Linda Andrews. It's quitting time, so you make a note to write to Linda tomorrow and invite her to test and interview for a really nice job you have open right now. Linda Andrews is now on your TO BE INTERVIEWED AND TESTED list - under the name Linda Andrews...because that's her name.
Tomorrow you come in and start scheduling interviews. You look through your e-mail for a Linda Andrews and can't find it.... because you never thought to look under "LA" <Sad Face> So, you go to to someone else. End of story. Linda didn't get the job because her resume was filed under an e-mail with a different name.
I can hear some of you saying, yes, but now I'm just in school, so it doesn't matter. Get in the habit of doing it now, because if you don't, you won't do it later. Plus, it would save me a whole lot of time trying to figure out who's sending me a payment authorization under a name I can't identify - or no name at all!
Funny story about that last comment.
Once we had a student who did very sloppy work and was failing the course. She was LIVID that she got failing grades. She sent me a message that said, and I paraphrase here a bit because I can't remember it word for word..."How dare you give me all those failing grades. This is SCHOOL. It's not a JOB. On a job they would be PAYING me, so I wouldn't do sloppy work. In this case, I'm paying YOU, so it doesn't matter if I do sloppy work or not. ?????!!!!
I had to remind her that this is a school. Sloppy work results in failing grades. It doesn't result in good job prospects either. People do not SUDDENLY start doing excellent work AFTER they graduate when they've done slovenly work throughout the course. Actually, they wouldn't graduate at all.
I was talking to the wall apparently, however, in the above case.
Something to think about. Start paying attention to those details like First and Last Name NOW while you're in school so that it develops into a strong habit.
Linda Andrews (see? Signing it with my whole name so you'll know which 'Linda' is writing it.) :)
Linda, are you referring just to e-mail directed to you? You aren't referring to the short signatures on the forum are you?
(content deleted at student's request)(Edited by Glenda Hickman - original submission Monday, 15 February 2016, 9:50 AM)
No, the short signatures here on this forum are for that reason. Your whole and complete names are not put here unless you put them here.
I'm referring to e-mail to me, especially something like this: "Please put my payment through. Cate." (Let's asume this was Mary Catherine Something-or-other) Let's also assume that her e-mail was JonandRena@whoknowswhere. Just an example to demonstrate my point. It's obviously a nickname, but could represent 4 or 5 different actual names.
The MAIN part of the forum here can is READ ONLY by non-students/graduates. That would include the Industry-Related and Off-Topic threads. Only students can get into the specific modules where training takes place. Never write anything anywhere online that you wouldn't want your employer or family to find and read though, of course.
I think that's important enough that I want to restate it. This part of the forum is public access. Anything you post here, in this public forum, can be read by anyone, including your supervisors who may be browsing our forums. They can't see the rest of our forums, but they can see this one.
I mention that because a student's post described a situation she had with a supervisor in enough detail that the supervisor would recognize it, whether a student's name was attached to it or not. I'm thinking that that post should probably be deleted.
What steps are taken to delete a post?
Thanks, Donna G
At the bottom of each post you'll see REPLY - EDIT - DELETE
If you don't find it for some reason, send me a link to anything you want deleted and I'll delete it, but if you wrote it, you can delete it. You can also EDIT out any part of it if you want to.
Thank you.
Donna G