I am wondering if anyone knows a way to stay signed into this system. Right now I have to sign in multiple times a day. Since I am the only one who has access to my computer at home, I would like to just stay signed in for at least a day. Any suggestions on how to do this?
Sheryl, the system has an automatic time-out after several hours of inactivity. You won't be able to remain logged in indefinitely.
Thanks, Glenda. I guess I just need to change my password to something easier to type in then.
Hi. If you use the Chrome browser, you can have it remember your username and password, then it will fill it in for you automatically. I think other browsers will do it as well, but I only use Chrome so can't really comment on those.
Thanks, Stuart. I do have Chrome but have always been afraid to use that feature. Maybe I'll try it for this one site as it is pretty unlikely my laptop will get stolen by someone who wants to get into Andrews website for some nefarious reason.
Lol. If your laptop did get stolen, you can always go to passwords.google.com from any other device/computer/phone and delete it. Happy auto-logoning!