I have been meaning to post this, but haven't taken the time. I was looking into Webinars to obtain my CEU credits for AAPC and found this website www.cco.us. If you go to this website, you will see at the very top Free Q&A Webinar for Thursday 21st @ 8pm (est) and red button to reserve your free seat. The webinar is exactly what it says Q&A so no specific topic. I did the Webinar for March and I really liked it.
They take a certain amount of questions submitted throughout the month and use those as the topics of discussion. It is interactive which I like. You see the person talking and there is a chat box you can submit a question or see what others are asking and answers from the panel. Within the chat box you are also able to download the information packet they are going over which was really nice. They will also post additional websites that are helpful to that particular subject in the chat box as they go. It lasts 1 1/2 hours with an additional 30 minutes of questions picked from the chat.
They have the Webinar monthly and you get AAPC approved 1.5 CEU. The CEU is NOT free, however the cheapest I have found. The CEU is $5.00 which you pay for at the end of the session. You do have to complete the session in order to get the link to pay for the CEU and then they will email you the certificate. You do not have to attend the additional 30 minutes though, that is optional. They do have a Replay Club-$19.99 a month, CEU's are free and you get access to all past webinars, which I believe you would also get the CEU's for each, but personally not worth the $19.99 a month for me.
Make sure to look at the website monthly to sign up. As of today, I haven't rec'd any reminder email letting me know to sign up for this month's webinar. Also, reminder to those who are not certified, you do not need any CEU's until you are certified. If you try to enter in a CEU before your certification date it will not let you. I found that out the hard way. I completely missed that information. Hope this helps!
Thank you
Good information, Brandy. I don't need CEUs yet, but will someday in the not TOO distant future. Thank you!!
Ooh, thanks!
Thank you so much Brandy for posting this helpful information regarding CEU's. I don't need them yet...but I'm sure I will later and I'm going to hang onto this.