Hey everybody, I have been trying to figure out how to code for CABG and cardiac catherizations, etc. I try to use the guidelines but my eyes just roll back into my head with all the details. This is a very weak spot for me and I've got to grasp an understanding before I repeat my CPC exam. Soooo, I went to on line AAPC for help. All kinds of help there, details so well described.
Here are a couple of links and you probably can find all sorts of help. There are blogs which I read but always go back to the AAPC for trusted info. Just type in AAPC rules for ...
I found this link for studying for the CPC. http://cloud.aapc.com/documents/2014_CPC/2014%20Practical%20Application%20Answer%20Key.pdf CPC study
Donna G
Thanks Donna!
Hi Donna:
Thanks for the info.
I could not get this link to load----- file:///C:/Users/M/Downloads/guide_pdf1467980066.pdf for CABG
Any ideas?
I'll take a look when I get off work in just a little bit.
Try this link. Scroll down to chapter 10 for cardiology. Gives 10 problems to solve, color coded points to observe in making your diagnosis and choice for CPT. Rationale with answers given at the end of each question. The only issue I have with this site is the outdated ICD-9 answers, but when I am not sure I use the on-line ICD-9 to ICD-1- converter. The CPT codes are not a problem.
If that link doesn't work, type this in the address bar: 2014 MedicalCodingTraining:CPCPractical ApplicationWorkbook—Instructor
file:///C:/Users/M/Downloads/guide_pdf1468837857.pdf This brings a download which you will see at the bottom of the page. Press that down arrow at the bottom of the page, then press "open"
If that link doesn't work, type in the address bar: AAPC rules for CABG. On my computer it brings up WEB pages and I clicked on Chapter 8: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) When ... - AAPC Co
I found this for cardiac cath: static.aapc.com/a3c7c3fe-6fa1.../9abb776f-913d-4307-b8b8-1272275b640b.pdf
Vascular Interventions in the Cardiac Cath Lab - AAPC
When I am looking for any topic I type AAPC rules for (whatever I'm looking for). Linda pointed out to me that some of these
WEB sites are not accurate or are published from other countries, so I always use AAPC in the address bar.
Donna G
Looks like good resources for additional information on that hard cardio cath stuff. Thanks Donna!! You have a very good idea to look for AAPC material specifically since it is a trusted source =D
Thanks so much Donna!!
Ginger N