I've mentioned ad naseum about studying for the CPC. Last couple of days have been studying from http://cloud.aapc.com/documents/2014_CPC/2014%20Practical%20Application%20Answer%20Key.pdf
As you can see, it is a reputable site, AAPC. If you are needing help with bypass grafts, pacemaker, other cardiac procedures, go to that link and slide down to #10 Cardiology. It has several exercises with color coded details to help you organize what to look for and at the bottom has a detailed instructional rationale.
I have been so confused about these procedures. My brain just seems to skitter. I have only read some of these exercises and am just now starting on exercise 1. Couldn't wait to share with you. Am so excited, can't wait to sink my teeth into it. I really believe that when I finish with this chapter 10 I will be able to code these procedures. You know, it doesn't take much to excite me. Seeing blue flowers in a field or a wild rose growing along a rotting fence line, nothing is more exciting. So this chapter 10 Cardiology is going to be my new excitement theme. Maybe it will be yours, too.
Donna G
You are so right. The cardiology cases are very difficult!!
Thanks for providing this information for us. I know I can use all the help I can get! :)
Yes, cardiology can be difficult. Was for me. But I did the first three of these AAPC studies/exercises in Chapter 10 and when I got through with the first one, had to have some help with it, kept looking back and forth, saying there has to be more to it than this. I sorta got the codes right but was so unsure. Did it again, same thing, kept saying there has to be more to it than this. Then did the second exercise without help, got the codes correct, kept looking back saying I had to be wrong, surely there is more to it than this. Got to the third exercise, did it, got it correct and nearly wept. That's all there was to it, not all that confusion that I had experienced previously.
Of course, I had to stop and go to work, so I don't know what #4 and #5, etc., will bring. I am so encouraged because now I understand - at least #1, 2 and 3. I'm just an average learner and have to work hard for understanding new information, so let me tell you, if I can do it, anyone can.
Can't wait until tomorrow when I can hit my study corner again for a few hours.
Donna G
This sounds great, Donna. Cardiology makes me nervous as well. Thanks so much for the tip!