Yes, it is stressful. And I bet you are way more than tired by the end of the day. But you are where you need to be with that little boy, even though you get very tired.
I have finished module 4 and cannot tell you that it gets easier. It just gets different with one layer of detail/knowledge on top of another. In looking around at different companies that are hiring, there are many, many job openings out there, I can pretty much say you aren't looking down a rabbit hole. Sometimes the pay is below the national average, but once you get out there looking for the job, you can be selective in that regard.
If you are worried about exhaustion/your personal health/meeting deadlines, have you thought about talking to Glenda to see if there is an option for extending the deadline? I'm not speaking for her, not saying what she can do for you, but it is worth a conversation with her.
I don't know what to say to encourage you, except to say keep at it. Just take baby steps. O yeah, and take a deep breath frequently. I'm not kidding. Not just a mental deep breath, but deep into the lungs. Is amazing what that can do.
Hang in there Michelle. I think you can do it.
Donna G