Medicine Section, I do not love thee...
Hang in there, Diane! When I started Module II, I thought I'd never, ever feel comfortable with CPT. Now I'm at the end of Module III and believe it or not, it's an old, familiar book I don't mind going to. I've even made my peace with the Medicine section. The course design makes us use that book until we know it inside and out -- I still remember the Integumentary section from back when Instructor Peggy had us write down the subsections and outline how to excise a malignant lesion. Trust the process; you will only really know something by using it again and again. Donna is right about baby steps-- the understanding kind of sneaks up on you, but it is coming, with practice. Good luck!
I have the same feeling about Path and Lab:) But the more I use it the better it gets, so keep on reading and using it, it will get better.
Thank you Tracy. What's funny is it took forever for me to read the section. I was easily distracted because I wasn't absorbing it. Fast forward to finally finishing the reading and I didn't get any errors on the Andrews supplied assignments. The questions in the Keuhn book however are screwing with me. Not having the answer key for it isn't helping either.
Thanks for listening!!
Thank you Judy. I'm not a big whiner, but sometimes it just makes me feel better!