Would it be possible to put the "Congratulations" posts in the "Off-Topic Discussions" area and the questions pertaining to coding and curriculum in the "Industry-related Discussions" instead of a little of each in both topics? Please don't get me wrong -- I think the congratulations posts are awesome and deserved. I scan the questions whenever I log in and it would just seems more organized to have them separated out. (No offense mean to anyone. )
I agree :)
I was going to suggest this as well. Since I'm new and there are a lot of message topics to look through, It would make it much easier to find information regarding course tips, answers to question, etc. Being a beginner, I'm already overwhelmed...lol.
I agree with this idea also
I agree as well! It's a little tedious to weed through all the wonderful congratulations when looking for other posts.
I agree as well. I think it would be helpful to have all the congratulations in a separate area so it's easier weeding through the posts to find what we're looking for.
I love this idea as well! I am always thrilled and encouraged by the congratulations, but I would love to find the answers to questions I have more easily.