I was just on an MT board where people were, as usual, giving each other lots of bad advice.
One was having difficulty and mentioned that she would just keep on, because practice makes perfect.
It doesn't. I know people who have done the same jobs very poorly for 25 years! They aren't in need of more practice.
Don't keep making the same mistakes. Identify your mistakes, attack and conquer them. Eliminate each problem area and that will free your skills to become better and faster. While you are doing your "practice" exercises, be sure to practice the RIGHT way. Otherwise you practice or study sessions will harm you rather than help.
It does no good to work "harder" at doing something the wrong way.
Doing inefficient things "harder" just wears you out faster.
Doing it "right" doesn't have to be harder. It is just smarter.
Thank you for this Linda! Its taken my a while and I still have a long way to go, but it looks like I may have found my first mistake on my assignments for Module II. I had to read the question a few times, but it looks like I am going in the right direction. :-)
Thanks Linda! This makes perfect sense!
Thanks Linda! Makes sense to me.