As you begin to learn all sorts of new skills in this course, you may notice that your friends and family aren't as excited about it as you are, at least not excited in a good way. They may misinterpret your enthusiasm about what you're learning as a threat to life as they know it. You are changing. They may not know what to think about that.
When you first talk to your loved ones after a successful study period, ask them how they are doing. Find out what's been going on in their lives. Don't go on and on about all that you're learning until you're asked, and then be sensitive to their reactions.
In fact, you might start out by saying how scared you were to start this new challenge, how you felt you might not be smart enough, that everyone else learned faster and better, and you were afraid you might fail. Then you might go on to talk about how you actually HAVE learned some things and there may be hope for you yet.
The rules are different, of course, if you are talking with someone who is thinking about taking the course. Then be sure to carry on and on about how great it is, how wonderful the instructors are, how brilliant the choice of professional-level books, and how delightful all the fellow students. :)