Some days are better than others. Remember that when you have days when you want to throw me out the window with your books, your computer, Glenda, Elise, Steve (our administrative staff) and your instructors. Wishing you many days of the OTHER variety, where things fall together nicely and you realize...I'm GETTING this! This is HARD, but if it wasn't hard, anyone could do it, and not everyone can do this. That makes for jobs with good income potential, because not everyone can do it. Many people have superficial, introductory courses and don't realize what they don't know. This course teaches at the professional level, so sometimes it's just plain scary, until it isn't, and you realize that it is all coming together and you get it. That's when I talk to someone who had in the past had a meltdown and ask, "How are you doing with the problem you were having with your studies?" "What problem" They don't even remember, because they have had an 'Aha!' moment which erases all the past stress, anguish, etc. I wish many 'Aha! moments for all of you. :)
Thank you for this, Linda. I have been feeling very discouraged lately, bad scores on some of the very last exams before graduation. Is scary to think that I can't do better than that, especially when I had given it my best and careful effort and asked instructor multiple questions. I wonder how I can get hired, how I can pass the tests before hiring and then if I get hired worry if I will get fired before the first week is up because I have coded something wrong and cost the clinic or doctor thousands of dollars, or caused many payment delays. I do look back and see that I have learned more than just the superficial layer to coding, look back and see how far this course has brought me, but still am very discouraged. I so much want to do a good job. Anyway, thank you for your words of encouragement.
Donna G
Boy, did this resonate. I'm coming out of module III in much the same boat as you, Donna. It's good to hear I'm not alone! I'm not worried about passing the CPC because I can game a multiple choice test, but I worry my actual coding skills aren't up to par.
And thank you for your encouragement Linda. They're words we all need to hear!
Donna, you took the words right out of my mouth. I am right there with you. Each of your concerns is a concern of mine. I'm waiting for the "aha" moment. I don't see it coming. Thanks for not making me feel alone.
I think we all have our times of Impostor Panic. I'll see an answer and think "Now how on earth would I have gotten that on my own?" and wonder what it will be like on the job with no answer key to reassure me. I think what I'm learning here that is even more important than the professional level coding is the attitude we should be using to approach this -- don't be afraid of hard questions, collaborate, use your resources to find what you need to know, think hard, mistakes are for learning rather than shame, and don't give up until you really understand it. Look at all the boards and articles out there with questions asked by experienced coders -- they are still learning and sometimes make mistakes as well.
As a nursing student, my classmates and I went through the same angst about whether we'd be good nurses or not. An old nurse told us that if we cared enough to ask that question, we'd be good nurses. Once I was out on the floor I understood what she meant.
Hang in there (me included) -- we will do well if we keep trying!
It makes me feel better that I'm not alone. Others have responded, also. I have wanted to ask my instructor how my test scores or my abilities or lack thereof compare with others, but I never did. When it comes right down to it, it doesn't matter how I compare; all that matters is whether when I graduate I can code, can get a job and hold it because I am a good or excellent coder.
What has happened on my low test scores, I will get all the codes correct except for one. Well, that's -1, and when you get a -1 or -2 many times, that really brings down the score.
So while I'm sitting here bellering about it, the other side of me is saying, but looky here, you got 6 or 7 or 8 codes correct out of that complex chart and only missed -1. You have learned how to code the important and not code the not pertinent, you have mostly learned how to code the principal diagnosis. Looking back, telling myself, just look at what you have learned. Telling myself to focus on the positive. That's all good, but still the fact shines through many -1's or -2's and that ruins a good score and won't make me look good as a coder.
Well, let's just keep trying and keep propping each other up. Obviously Andrews has excellent training. Just look at the high percentage of Andrews students who have passed that CCS and compare it to the low national percentage - waving flags for Andrews here. And also thank goodness for these good instructors who are so patient and willing to explain things, clarify things.
Donna G
Thanks for that, Tracey.
Well said Tracey! I think "Imposter Panic" is a great description of the anxiety you feel when you have the knowledge and then have to demonstrate the skill. Donna, in time you will become the experienced one that everyone turns to. Andrews is giving you the tools and knowledge and you will perfect the skill. The more you do it, the more proficient you will become. I can relate to Tracey in the nursing world in that I learned the science and then developed the art in my nursing practice. So you are well on your way to learning the "science" and developing the skill. Be easy on yourself, and know that you are conscientious enough that you will do a great job. You are motivated to be the best, and you are working through a program that will set you up for success. Hang in there, we believe in you!!!
Donna G
Great thread!! Lisa, I was trying to think of something supportive to write for Donna, but I think what you said speaks for many of us in this group. What a support system!! This is a hard course and I'm only beginning Section 5 of Module III. I've learned a lot ... but it just doesn't doesn't always feel like that way. Looking forward to moving on with excitement and trepidation! Everyone keep on keepin' on and learn to forgive yourself for not being perfect. We've got this!!
This is one of my favorite threads EVER! Not because of what I wrote, but because of the responses from all of you. You're brilliant! I am feeling so blessed to have all of you here as students. As I told Emily Olsen on FB, I wish I could CLONE all of you too, just as I wish I could clone her, but I didn't think she would like it. She laughed and said that would be fine. She wouldn't mind at all UNLESS one of her clones tried to steal her great Medical Coding job from her! <Very Big Grin>
Let's keep this thread going.
I so appreciate everyone's comments! Donna, you described it perfectly about the -1's chipping away at a test score. It does that to our confidence too -- if we let it. You so are right about focusing on the 7 or 8 codes you got right and recognizing how much you've learned. I just finished my first coding exercise from medical records in Module III (the infamous Chapter 5... dun dun DUN...) , and feel like this coming exam will humble me, -1 at a time :) Then again, like so much else, a test score doesn't define your quality as a coder. Your hard work and willingness to get back up and keep trying does. And I say this not because I've mastered it but because it is a stumbling block for me.
In her reply to the many congratulations about passing her CPC, a student named Celeste had a very interesting story about the level of training some other test takers in her session received. We really are getting fantastic training, and it's expected that we will make mistakes, and lots of them. And I think our future employers won't be concerned with what we got on Coding Exam 4. They'll just see that we graduated from Andrews and know we've been well-trained.
Linda said it right-- some days we feel good, and on others, well, we don't, especially when you consider the many non-coding things all of us have chipping away at us as well. That's when our support of each other matters the most. So, thanks for yours and you definitely have mine!
Thank you Tracey. You have certainly put it in perspective. And again, waving flags for Andrews here, our instructors don't just send the graded test back to us and we can tuck it away and say, "oh, well."
Oh, no! They send the corrected answers back to us and expect us to actually re-work the problems and see how their answer was correct compared to my incorrect ones. And then we have to send that information back to the instructor for review. Yikes, it's like taking the test all over again when I have missed so many. AND the big thing here is that for every correction made, having to look that stuff up again, I have learned something, just one more baby step and another, maybe it will stick in the brain, maybe I'll have to make a note in the coding book. But there is certainly growth there. It's as if the Andrews theme is NO FAILURES ALLOWED. So we mess up, we are expected to pick up and try again until we get it right.
So yes, my confidence is bashed when I have a -80 on a big test. I'm not sure if that is a failing grade because I don't know what the scale is. BUT after I get through wailing and wallering in self pity, worried that I will get fired within the first week on the job because of my errors, I grab that corrected answer sheet, grit my teeth, and get back to the test and try again. Okay, again waving flags for Andrews and our instructors and their methods, they allow us to learn by our errors and don't allow failure. They just insist on picking up and trying again.
I've heard from several of you out there who are struggling. It's kinda like the baby bird hatching. When you see it trying to escape from that shell it is so tempting to break it open and help it out. But that's not the way of it. That baby bird needs to peck its way out, strengthens itself by doing so and once it is out, it will be stronger and healthier because of the struggle. Same with us. So let's all just keep pecking. Look at all the graduates and people who have passed those CPC and CCS exams and other exams. If we keep pecking we can, too.
Love this thread <3 It's so amazing to read of others having the same struggles I am, but we bolster each others' confidence in the darker moments and cheer on "the light." Again, what a support group!
Totally agree! There is SO MUCH wisdom here.
Think of it this way-- all these mistakes we are making on the exams are mistakes we would have made on the job but now will not. That's why an Andrews education counts as a year on the job. I'd much rather explain my mistake to my instructor than to my supervisor! I'm very, very appreciative of the level we are working at, even if it messes with my ego. :)
Well said, Tracey, Well said.
YES!!! I so needed this today!!! I am finishing up section 18 in Module I and getting ready to move on to Module II. I have been very busy the past few weeks and it has taken me longer to get through this section than any other... Also... it is hard!!! I was looking at some of the examples as I read through the Coding Handbook and FREAKING OUT!!!! How am I supposed to know if a situation takes 2, 3, 8... codes??? I had to calm myself down by reminding myself I still have A LOT left to learn. Hopefully, I will have that "Aha" moment some day :)
I was lucky enough to stumble across this thread today. So glad that I did. I am in the middle of my Kuehn's exam at the end of module II. I am not feeling exactly confident in my skills as a coder right now. But, reading all of your honest and sincere comments really helped calm my anxieties. Thanks to all the ladies that posted on this thread. You renewed my spirits and I am now ready to back to that book and do whatever I have to do to finish that test!!!
Good for you Jill, hanging in there. Don't forget to ask your instructor for clarification.
Donna G
I am also very glad I came across this thread. I hit a bit of a wall last week and generally got busier with life. These insights to the course are extremely helpful and appreciated.
I concur with you on how remarkably helpful, insightful, and patient our instructors are! I greatly appreciate their prompt responses, too.
Neomelani Alba
Thank you for this update because Im really wondering what I got myself into but this is it for me I can't go backwards because there is nowhere else I can go. I really want to do this and really learn this. So I will plug along.
Thank you for sending this message to the top again. It is a very good read for a cloudy winter day and a great reminder to look at our wins rather than our losses. Thank you :)
Facts !!!!!!
Since the day I received my books, I’ve felt anxious and scared. One thing I realized is I love to study! The other thing I’ve realized is my darling dog, Jif, has terrible separation anxiety. He clings to me like a dryer sheet.
I can’t leave to go to the library because he starts crying when I start putting on my makeup. It breaks my heart.
I brought a kitten home yesterday and named him Basil. He’s precious but enjoys his alone time under my bed. He’s afraid of Jif. All Jif cares about is Basil’s food.
I’m hoping Jif and Basil will become friends. Maybe just knowing another pet is under the bed will calm Jif’s fears. Wish me luck!
Awwww, good luck to all of you, Laury! There will be an adjustment period, but hopefully the two will bond and Jif's anxiety and attachment to you will ease up.
Hi Katie! You’re so kind. Basil decided to take a stroll last night while I was sleeping. This morning I heard a ‘meow’ coming from the living room. There he was, waiting for me to help! Unfortunately, he left a really stinky calling card on the sofa. When I tried to lift him up, he ran about 15 ft then sat and watched as I cleaned up. Then Jif entered the picture and Basil dashed underneath the bed, his favorite place.
All I am going to say is MODULE 3, EXAM 4. Good grief. That is where it gets real.